0% Financing CMHC

Adding SolAr now can SAve more than the environment

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Maximum: $40,000  Minimum: $5,000

Repayment term: 10 years, interest-free

Loan type: Unsecured personal loan on approved credit

Important Facts

  • The maximum loan amount that you are eligible for is determined by the retrofits selected in your application and the cost estimates for those retrofits. This amount is based on industry standards and market norms, and may be capped at a lower amount than the total cost of the work. If this is the case, you will need to cover the difference in cost.
  • Please note that only one loan is available per property and homeowner for eligible retrofits
  • To be eligible for the loan, the retrofits must be recommended by an energy advisor and eligible for the grant.
  • A portion of the loan may be provided upfront to cover the down payment for contractors. The remaining balance will be disbursed upon completion of the retrofits and verification through a post-retrofit evaluation.
Image displaying how net metering works

SAve $80/month on average

by adding a 5KW solar array to your home

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